The British Science Association's vision is a future where science is more relevant, representative, and connected to society.

A key element of achieving this mission is supporting and working with community groups and organisations across the UK. We have a range of programmes in which we support organisations who work with groups who are underrepresented in science:

Community Engagement Network 

Our Community Engagement Network aims to support, connect and inspire community organisations interested in providing science content to their audiences/users. We are always building the Community Engagement Network so please get in touch if you are eligible and are interested in joining. 

Find out more 


Community Led Research Pilot 

The Community Led Research Pilot puts local communities based in Reading and Slough at the heart of the research process - inviting them to develop and deliver their own research projects. The pilot aims to support local communities to feel that science and research is more accessible, and to highlight the value communities can bring to research by improving both its quality and relevance. 

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Community Leaders 

The Community Leaders programme trains individuals to become science ambassadors in their communities by upskilling them, supporting them in developing long-term science engagement projects, and facilitating collaboration between their community groups and the science communication sector.

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Community Buddies (Relational)

The Community Buddy programme aims to connect Community Leaders with local researchers to spark new ideas and drive innovative community-led science engagement. The programme is broken up into two phases; the relational phase and the grant phase. In this first phase, we support community organisers and researchers to develop relationships in their own space.

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British Science Week Community Grants 

The British Science Week Community Grant scheme provides grants of £500 for community groups to run their own science activities as part of British Science Week and beyond. 

The mission is to expand the audiences that engage with science and self-identify as having an interest in science by empowering and supporting community groups to run their own science activities during British Science Week. The scheme offers grants for community groups that work directly with audiences who are traditionally under-represented and currently not engaged in science activity. 

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The Ideas Fund 

The Ideas Fund is a grants programme that enables the UK public to think about, develop and test new ideas related to areas of mental wellbeing that are relevant to them. The Fund connects communities with research professionals to bring their ideas to life.

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Antarctica in the Community Grant

The Antarctica in the Community Grant is a new scheme that will help communities run their own event or project to explore and celebrate Antarctica and its important role in climate science. This scheme is made possible by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT), supported by the British Antarctic Territory. 

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Highlands and Islands Climate Change Community Grant 

The Highlands and Islands Climate Change Community Grant scheme, supported by UKRI (UK Research and Innovation), offers funding of up to £4,500 to support community groups in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland to work with a researcher and run a project on a local climate change issue that matters to them.

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Community Buddies (Grant)

In this second phase of the Community Buddy programme, we provide grants of up to £4,000 to support existing Community Buddy pairs to develop co-created science engagement projects and to inspire a legacy that will last beyond their involvement in the scheme.

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British Science Festival Community Grants

The British Science Festival Community Grant scheme provides grants of £500 for community groups/organisations that work directly with audiences who are traditionally underrepresented and currently not engaged in science activity in the host city of the British Science Festival. The scheme aims to empower and support community groups to run their own science activities as part of the British Science Festival, enabling new local audiences to engage with science. 

Read more 

More resources

Science Live

Science Live is our online platform for connecting event organisers, volunteers and speakers to put on science events.

Visit the Science Live website 

Showcase report: The impact of the British Science Association's community engagement programmes

On 14 June 2021, the British Science Association released a showcase report offering
a closer look at our community engagement programmes and what we
have learnt from them so far. 

The showcase report is intended to provide an overview of what these
programmes have achieved using participant interviews and annual evaluations.

We hope that by sharing what we have learned, the showcase report will not only inform funders and other stakeholders in the science engagement sector, but the stories of those who have been involved in these programmes will inspire other community leaders in the future.


Groups can also find activity resources specifically designed for use with families or clubs in our community group activity packs. The packs are available in English, Welsh, Polish and Russian.

If you'd like to get in touch about any of the above programmes, or if you have any questions or advice, please contact us at [email protected].

To keep up-to-date on our programmes, follow BSA Communities on Twitter.