BSA’s election manifesto calls for a fairer and more prosperous future through science Today (1 February 2024) the British Science Association (BSA) has launched a manifesto ahead of an upcoming UK general election, calling on all political parties to promote the importance of science in three policy areas: education, inclusion, and access to science. In this manifesto, we are setting out what we wish to see in the next parliament – a vision for a future where more people connect with science, and a scientific community that represents and reflects people from all backgrounds and communities. The BSA are asking all parties to make a number of commitments to create a fairer and more prosperous future through science. Our calls to action: Ensure science in secondary schools is relevant and inclusive to all young people Ensure all young people have access to high-quality practical science learning Embed diversity and inclusion in all government-led science, technology, and innovation projects Create a long-term strategy for a diverse and inclusive STEM community Put people and communities at the heart of a future vision for UK science and technology Develop a science engagement strategy for Government Departments and public bodies Read the full manifesto (opens in new tab) Hannah Russell, Chief Executive, British Science Association, says: “The British Science Association (BSA) has long advocated for a more diverse and inclusive science sector to better serve people and communities in the UK. “We believe everyone should be empowered to have a voice and be involved in science as it shapes our everyday lives. Science allows us to tackle challenges affecting our health, the environment, energy and food security, and more. Science should therefore be accessible to everyone, enabling people to make informed choices about its impact on their lives and futures. “We’re pleased to share our manifesto, which sets out clear actions for policymakers to support the BSA in making science more relevant, representative, and connected to society as well as other organisations and institutions who are striving for a more inclusive science sector.” Manage Cookie Preferences