How to register for - and download - Run to the Deep, for your full immersive running experience!

Go to: and click on ‘Free Entry’, then click on the blue ‘Continue’ button on the bottom bar

If you already have an account on Racelink then enter your email address and password and continue with your entry.

If you do not have a Racelink account, just enter your email address and tap ‘Continue’, and we’ll create one for you!

Finally, on the ‘Checkout’ page, tap ‘Enter for Free’

You’ll receive an email from us confirming details. If you created a new Racelink account with us, you’ll receive a registration email as well, where you’ll need to click on the confirmation link!

Then, download the free Racelink app for iOS or Android. It's the second one down: "Racelink - Virtual Racing, Six to Start"

Log into your Racelink account in the app. If you aren't sure of your details, you can request a reminder.

Tap Run to the Deep, then Run to the Deep Select your run settings, including tracking and music, and off you go! 🐳


As you run, the app will play the narration and any music you've selected. There's no need to check your phone during the run - the mission audio will let you know when to start and stop.

Please note that the app’s audio is not continuous. It appears at certain distances e.g. when you reach the distance equivalent to the depth of the wreck of the Titanic, there will be some information about that.  The audio will cut across your music or running app you have open, and so you can use those as usual, or may choose to have only the Run to the Deep app playing and just wait for the next stage of the audio to kick in. 

This article about last year's race, Run the Solar System, by physicist oceanographer and broadcaster Helen Czerski, gives you a flavour of what it will be like.