All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diversity & Inclusion in STEM

About the Group

Following the dissolution of Parliament for the 4 July 2024 general election, this APPG no longer exists.

The Secretariat hopes the Group can be re-established after the general election, and plans to resume activities in the new Parliament.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in STEM aims to promote the inclusion and progression of people from diverse backgrounds in STEM, and to encourage government, parliamentarians, academics, businesses and other stakeholders to work towards a STEM sector that is representative of the population. We also want to consider and influence changes in policy that will lead to this outcome. For more updates, follow us on Twitter.

As part of its work on equality, diversity and inclusion across the science and science engagement sectors, the British Science Association (BSA) acts as secretariat for the Group. The Group is made up of Members of Parliament and Lords, and is a focus for collaboration with businesses and other organisations in STEM.

Details of previous meetings of the APPG can be found here.


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To enquire about sponsoring the APPG, contact Agasty Baylon Yogaratnam.

Register for updates

Sign up here to receive updates about the APPG on D&I in STEM. We will only use this information to contact you about the Group's work. If you can't see the form, please accept cookies in browser for this webpage.

Members (2019-2024 parliament)

The Officers and Members of the APPG are listed below. All Officers were elected at the APPG's AGM on 21 May 2024.

Photos taken from the Parliament Website under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) licence. Photo of Lord Willetts taken by Duncan Hull under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence.

This is not an official website of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either house or its committees.

All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of members of both houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of the group.

Photo credit: Maurice

About the inquiry

The APPG on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in STEM launched their first inquiry in 2019, with the aim of investigating equity in STEM education.

While there have been many reports and inquiries into the STEM skills gap in the UK, the group felt there was a lack of focus specifically on equity within STEM education and the impact this has on young people’s access, attainment and engagement levels.

Download the full report

The report puts forward these recommendations:

  1. A Minister responsible for addressing inequity within the education system;

  2. STEM education that is more relevant to the lives of all young people;

  3. Greater action to address teacher shortages in STEM subjects;

  4. Full implementation of changes to careers support and guidance, as suggested by the Careers Strategy for England (2017);

  5. Steps to address the existing inequalities in provision of Double Award and Triple Science at GCSE;

  6. A review of fundamental changes to STEM GCSEs which considers equity issues.

Read the evidence submissions

What can I do?

If this inquiry's findings and recommendations are important to you, please raise the report with your Member of Parliament (MP). We have created an easy to edit template letter that you can email to your MP's office to tell them why they should engage with equity in STEM education.