Our Vision

Creating a future where science is more relevant, representative and connected to society.

Our Mission

The BSA believes that all of society should be included in science.

We bring people and science together in ways that will have a lasting, positive impact on communities, research, and society.

We improve young peoples’ experiences of science in their education. 

We work with community groups and grassroots organisations to give them opportunities to be involved in science. 

We showcase the amazing work of researchers and academics through our events and activities. 

We advocate for a more inclusive science community.

Our three-year goals

In April 2024, we launched our new three-year business plan that puts people at the heart of science.

The business plan sets out five goals for the next three years, as we head towards the next phase of our 10-year strategy.


Hear from our Chair, Hilary Newiss, and Chief Executive, Hannah Russell, as they discuss the significance of our new three-year goals and how they support the overall direction of the BSA’s 10-year strategy on our blog.

Our 10-year strategy

In 2021, we celebrated our 190th birthday and launched our 10-year strategy. This will guide our work in the lead up to our bicentenary in 2031. Over the next decade we will deepen our focus on engaging audiences who have been typically overlooked by science.

Find out more about our 10-year strategy (opens in new tab)

Read our Former Chief Executive, Katherine Mathieson's, thoughts on the 10-year strategy and its significance in our blog.