The British Science Association (BSA) is a charity incorporated by Royal Charter (granted by King George the Fifth in 1928) and governed by a Council which forms the Board of Trustees. The BSA also has an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Group that supports our Council and executive team with decision-making on EDI.  

The BSA also recognises people who have made an outstanding contribution to the aims and purposes of the British Science Association through our Honorary Fellows.

The BSA is managed by a professional team of staff, of around 35 people from our head office in the Wellcome Wolfson Building in Kensington, London.

The BSA has three core pillars of work: ​Education, Public Engagement, and Thought Leadership.


The Education team are responsible for our work with educators, young people and their parents and guardians. This includes our flagship young people’s programme CREST and the school elements of British Science Week.

Meet the team

Public Engagement

The BSA engages public audiences through two teams: Engagement and Grant Programmes.


The BSA’s Engagement team is responsible for a number of our flagship programmes, including British Science Week, the British Science Festival, and newer ones, such as Community Leaders and the UK Science Festivals Network. The Engagement Team also manages and develops our volunteer network, including our 17 Scientific Sections.

Meet the team

Grant Programmes

The BSA’s brand new Grant Programmes team is responsible for a new funding programme The Ideas Fund aimed at increasing public engagement in health research, with a focus on inclusion and diversity.

Meet the team

Thought Leadership

The BSA’s thought leadership work is carried out by our External Relations department which is split into two teams: Policy, Partnerships & Impact and the Communications team.

Policy, Partnerships & Impacts

The Policy, Partnerships & Impacts team seek to influence and collaborate with stakeholders from across science, business and policy through events such as For Thought. They produce bespoke activities for policymakers, business leaders, the science engagement sector and the media, such as the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM, and The Inclusive Science Engagement Network.

Meet the team


The Communications team are responsible for Marketing, PR, Digital and Social media for the organisation.

Meet the team

Our Core Services Department covers Finance, IT and Administration, including our Board Secretariat.